The daily for
New Zealand’s Startups

Building a sustainable community

Now, that's what I call Business

Brianne West sits down with Young Henry's Oscar McMahon to chat beer, brand, community and algae.

Ethique and Incrediballs founder Brianne West

In ‘Now, that’s what I call Business!’ host Brianne West, founder of Ethique and Incrediballs, reflects on her journey from tackling plastic waste in the beauty industry to venturing into sustainable drink-making.

Here’s what you’re in for this episode, or listen here

This week’s a little different, with West joined by Young Henry’s cofounder Oscar McMahon. 

Young Henry’s, known for its commitment to sustainability and community, has set an industry benchmark for environmental consciousness, integrating eco-friendly practices into every aspect of its business. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • How Young Henry has embedded its brand so consumers get the YH experience at every touch point.
  • Keeping everyone on the same page, which includes the interesting values exercise it does with every new team member.
  • What sustainability means to YH and how they choose the challenges they want to tackle next. 
  • YH’s most successful marketing tactics and its most challenging moments.
  • The exciting project it’s been working on with algae.
  • How McMahon maintains a work/life balance. 

6 hours ago

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6 hours ago

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