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New Zealand’s Startups

Keep your branding simple

Now, that's what I call Business

Marketing success relies on clear and concise messages.

In this episode of "Now, that's what I call Business!" host Brianne West, founder of Ethique and Incrediballs, discusses the importance of simplicity in branding. 

Here’s a ChatGPT precis of her transcript for this week’s episode or listen here.

West begins the episode by highlighting the challenge of conveying complex ideas in a straightforward manner. She emphasises that a clear and concise brand message is essential for effective branding and how it can be challenging for mission-driven businesses.

She then discusses the key aspects of branding, including emotional connection, storytelling, consistency, relevance, and differentiation, sharing examples of brands that have excelled in their branding, such as Coca-Cola, Patagonia, Sharesies, Banqer, and Girls That Invest. These brands have effectively communicated their values and mission to their audiences.

West also shares examples of brands that struggled with their branding due to confusing messaging and a lack of simplicity, such as Tropicana and Snapple

She then provides a step-by-step guide on how to refine your core messaging to make it clear and simple, emphasising the importance of self-awareness, customer feedback and testing. She encourages brands to maintain consistency and reinforce their core message in all their marketing efforts.

West reminds listeners not to try and explain everything at once and to be consistent in their branding efforts. She says brands should keep refining their messaging and engaging with their customers.

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