The daily for
New Zealand’s Startups

Rational optimism: The rising tide of New Zealand's startup economy

Antipodean Musings

There are plenty of reasons for optimism in Kiwi startups.


Mark Bregman

Mark Bregman

At this time of year I like to reflect on the prior year as ask myself what I am optimistic about for the coming year.  In July I moved to Auckland from San Francisco to focus even more on helping build successful New Zealand companies as a venture investor.   The ranks of investors and founders are populated by optimistic sorts.

In his seminal work, "The Rational Optimist," Matt Ridley lays out a compelling case for optimism in the face of global challenges, arguing that human ingenuity and problem-solving skills will prevail over pessimism. This concept of rational optimism resonates profoundly with me as part of the startup ecosystem in New Zealand, particularly in Auckland, which has become a vibrant hub for innovation and creativity in various fields.

Auckland, is increasingly recognised as a crossroads where science, technology, business, and the arts converge. This synergy is creating a dynamic environment conducive to growth and innovation. New Zealand's world-class universities are at the forefront of this movement, with research teams ranking in the top three globally in several disciplines. This academic excellence provides a solid foundation for the startup ecosystem, ensuring a steady flow of fresh ideas and cutting-edge research.

New Zealanders are known for their "can-do" attitude, a trait that is deeply embedded in the national psyche. This mindset is critical in the startup world, where resilience, creativity, and the willingness to take risks are essential. New Zealand startups are not just participating in global markets; they are increasingly taking on significant challenges and competing on the world stage. This bold approach is evident in a range of sectors, from technology to environmental sustainability.

Nasdaq-listed space technology company Rocket Lab

One of the most notable aspects of the New Zealand startup scene is its focus on sustainability and ethical business practices. In a world increasingly concerned with climate change and environmental degradation, New Zealand companies are well-positioned to lead the way in sustainable innovation. This emphasis on caring for the land, sea, and climate is not just a business strategy but a reflection of the deep connection New Zealanders have with their environment. This ethos resonates with a global consumer base that is more conscious of the environmental impact of their choices.

The success stories emerging from New Zealand are testament to this optimistic outlook. Companies like Rocket Lab, a space technology company, have put New Zealand on the map in the highly competitive space sector. Meanwhile, sustainable businesses like Allbirds have shown how environmental consciousness can be at the heart of a globally successful brand. These examples demonstrat e the potential for New Zealand startups not just to succeed but to redefine success in a way that balances profit with purpose.

Furthermore, the government's supportive policies have played a crucial role in nurturing the startup ecosystem. Initiatives like the Research and Development Tax Incentive and Callaghan’s Ārohia Innovation Trailblazer seed grant encourage investment in innovation, making it easier for startups to access the funding and resources they need to grow. This proactive approach by the government ensures that the startup ecosystem is not just surviving but thriving.

More collaboration

One area where the Kiwi startup scene could improve is collaboration.  Too many times I see New Zealand companies and organizations viewing their fellow Kiwis as competitors.  After spending the past 20 years in the San Francisco Bay area I have learned how important a connected, collaborative innovation community can be.  Working together to help the “New Zealand Inc” innovation economy can further propel Kiwi startups to global success. This collaborative atmosphere is particularly beneficial for early-stage startups, which often rely on networks and mentorship to navigate the challenges of growth and scaling.

Looking ahead, the potential for New Zealand's startup economy is immense. As global challenges mount, from technological disruption to climate change, the need for innovative solutions becomes increasingly urgent. New Zealand, with its blend of academic excellence, entrepreneurial spirit, and commitment to sustainability, is well-equipped to meet these challenges head-on.

As Auckland continues to emerge as a nexus for diverse fields, the future for New Zealand's startup economy looks not just promising but transformative. This is a story of not just economic growth but of a small nation making a big impact on the world stage, driven by the power of rational optimism.


Mark Bregman

Mark Bregman, based in Auckland, New Zealand, has spent more than 30 years focused on innovation. First as a scientist and later as a tech industry executive. After earning a PhD in experimental high energy physics, Mark joined IBM Research and built a career there before leaving to pursue his desire to be more entrepreneurial. After his New York-based start-up failed in the shadow of 9/11, he moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and held senior executive rolls in Veritas Software, Symantec, Neustar, Booxby (co-founder) and NetApp. He has been regularly travelling to New Zealand for almost 40 years and invested in a vineyard in Central Otago in 1999. In 2018, after leaving a role as CTO for NetApp, he decided to focus on working with early stage tech companies and choose to focus on New Zealand. Beyond his professional pursuits, Mark is an avid cyclist, foodie and wine lover.

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