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Ten practical tips on startup sustainability

Now, that's what I call Business

Ethique and Incrediballs founder Brianne West says sustainability and profitability can co-exist.

Ethique and Incrediballs founder Brianne West

In the latest "Now, that's what I call Business!" host Brianne West, founder of Ethique and Incrediballs, discusses sustainability in business.

Here’s a ChatGPT precis of her transcript for this week’s episode or listen here.

West begins by discussing the arrival of prototypes for Incrediballs, including the various flavours and their reception so far.

The focus of the episode then shifts to sustainability and how businesses can become more environmentally friendly.

She says that sustainability and profitability can coexist and encourages businesses to make conscious choices that benefit both the planet and their bottom line.

She provides ten practical tips for companies to adopt more sustainable practices, including:

  1. Carbon measurement and offsetting: West encourages businesses to measure their carbon emissions and offset them, as it will likely become a government requirement in some countries.
  2. Going paperless: She advocates for eliminating as much office waste as possible and promoting paperless practices.
  3. Energy conservation: Businesses are advised to turn off lights and air conditioning when not in use to reduce energy consumption.
  4. Responsible shipping: She recommends reducing plastic and excessive box sizes when shipping products and using eco-friendly materials.
  5. Sustainable office outfitting: Businesses are encouraged to use sustainable and ethical options for office consumables, such as tea, coffee, paper, pens, and plant-based milk.
  6. Waste separation and composting: West suggests separating waste into categories like unrecyclables, recyclables, and compost, and composting in the office environment.
  7. Product necessity: She advises businesses to evaluate whether their products are genuinely necessary, promoting a focus on reducing waste.
  8. Travel policies: She recommends implementing travel policies to minimise the environmental impact of business travel.
  9. Sustainable merchandise: West discourages excessive business merchandising and suggests seeking ethical and eco-friendly options for promotional items.
  10. Diversity, equity, and inclusion: She emphasises the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion policies in the workplace, fostering an inclusive culture, and educating the team on these values.

West also briefly touches on supply chain sustainability and says she’ll delve deeper into that topic in future episodes.

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