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New Zealand’s Startups

The secrets of product testing

Now, that's what I call Business

This week, Ethique and Incrediballs founder Brianne West discusses the importance of seeking feedback from customers.

Ethique and Incrediballs founder Brianne West

In the latest episode of "Now, That’s What I Call Business," with host Brianne West, founder of Ethique, the focus is on product testing, flavour development, and the journey to launching Incrediballs

Here’s a ChatGPT precis of her transcript for this week’s episode or listen here.

This week, West discusses her experiences with product testing, the challenges of getting reliable feedback, and the importance of involving paying customers in the testing process.

West talks about the incredible updates in Incrediballs' development, including flavour selection and testing. She emphasises the need for a diverse range of feedback and mentions the upcoming "sip squad" programme, inviting listeners to sign up on the Incrediballs website.

She also addresses misconceptions about the product's packaging, highlighting its home-compostable features and how it differs from traditional effervescent tablets.

The episode touches on the choice of sweeteners for the product and the rationale behind offering both natural and synthetic options. West delves into the science of sweeteners and flavour profiles, differentiating between mainstream and exotic flavours.

She emphasises the importance of launching a product even if it's not perfect, encouraging entrepreneurs to seek feedback from paying customers. West draws on her own experiences and contrasts the benefits and drawbacks of soft and hard product launches.

West concludes with an exercise for listeners, encouraging them to brainstorm what they would do with their product if money were no object.

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