The daily for
New Zealand’s Startups

WTF is strategy... and how do I build one?

Now, that's what I call Business

Brianne West on cutting through the weeds when it comes to business strategy and figuring out exactly what's needed to get started.

Ethique and Incrediballs founder Brianne West

In ‘Now, that's what I call Business!’ host Brianne West, founder of Ethique and Incrediballs, reflects on her journey from tackling plastic waste in the beauty industry to venturing into the world of sustainable drink-making. Each episode, she covers a new topic. 

Here’s what you’re in for this week, or listen here

  • What ‘strategy’ is, the essential pillars and why checking in is important. 
  • What made her first business plan a waste of time and how to avoid writing a 25-page monolith. 
  • What a unique value proposition is and why you need it – especially if you’re in a crowded market. 
  • Why a business needs a purpose besides making money and how her purpose helped navigate a tough ethical decision. 
  • Why you need to be acting five years in advance. 
6 hours ago

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6 hours ago

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