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New Zealand’s Startups

AI as a tool for transformation

The Joyous Podcast

Bell Labs president Marcus Weldon shares his views on the impact of generative AI on industries.

Joyous Podcast Episode One: Marcus Weldon

The Joyous podcast, hosted by Mike Carden, features conversations with some of the world’s most interesting management thinkers. 

Carden brings extensive insider knowledge to the startup conversation. In 2006, he founded Sonar6, a SaaS tool for human resources, which later sold for $US14 million to the US company Cornerstone Ondemand in 2012. Additionally, he started Joyous, an Auckland-based software tech company in 2017. 

Carden is regarded as an expert in Software as a Service business models and technology marketing, holding board and advisory board roles in various technology companies ranging from investor-led early stage through to established public companies.

This episode finds Carden speaking with Marcus Weldon, the 13th president of Bell Labs, an expert in communication and networking technology. 

Here’s a ChatGPT precis of the transcript for this week’s episode or listen here.

Weldon begins by reflecting on his background and journey to Bell Labs and explores the transformative impact of 5G on industrial productivity. He underscores the shift from wired to wireless systems and how this facilitates process reconfiguration, resulting in substantial productivity gains for businesses.

Weldon dispels the notion that AI will replace physical-world tasks, especially in the context of autonomous vehicles, citing the complexity of understanding the real world. 

He emphasises AI's strength in repetitive and data-driven tasks and suggests that generative AI may rebalance the workforce, automating generative tasks and potentially shifting the employment landscape towards roles involving physical interaction.

Carden and Weldon also discuss how generative AI could democratise innovation, reducing capital requirements for startups and potentially reshaping the venture capital landscape. 

The resistance of some large enterprises to adopt generative AI due to fear or uncertainty is addressed by Weldon, who emphasises the importance of embracing this technology for increased productivity.

They envision an ideal scenario where generative AI acts as a highly personalised, contextually relevant digital assistant, promoting knowledge equality and potentially fostering more harmonious societies. 

While acknowledging the need to address concerns and challenges, Weldon encourages a positive outlook on the potential outcomes of generative AI, envisioning generative AI as a tool to enhance creativity in the digital realm rather than replacing humans. 

The conversation concludes with optimism about generative AI's potential to contribute to a more equitable world, offering exciting possibilities for individuals, enterprises, and society as a whole.

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